32,602 research outputs found

    The Distribution of Revenues From State-Collected Consumer Taxes

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    VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet i förskolan dĂ€r genus och likabehandling stĂ„r i fokus Ă€r ett Ă€mne som skall arbetas aktivt med och det var detta som var grunden i underökning. Undersökningen utgick ifrĂ„n tvĂ„ frĂ„gor som handlade om pedagogernas kompetens i genusvetenskap samt vilka genuspedagogiska strategier som de anvĂ€nde i arbetet med barnen. För att undersöka detta sĂ„ valde jag att anvĂ€nda mig av en halvstrukturerad enkĂ€t dĂ€r de flesta frĂ„gorna var av öppen karaktĂ€r för att kunna fĂ„nga vad pedagogernas kunskap om de olika genusvetenskapliga begreppen. De slutna frĂ„gorna fĂ„ngade vilka genuspedagogiska strategier som pedagogerna anvĂ€nde i sitt arbete med barnen. 40 enkĂ€ter delades ut till pedagogerna i ett rektorsomrĂ„de. FrĂ„n resultatdelen kunde det utlĂ€sas att det var mĂ„nga olika definitioner pĂ„ de genusvetenskapliga begreppen och att flertalet av pedagogerna inte hade samma syn som forskningen kring om det beror pĂ„ det sociala eller det biologiska nĂ€r barnen positionerar sig som pojkar eller flickor. Resultatet visade ocksĂ„ att endast ett fĂ„tal pedagogerna anvĂ€nder sig av det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetssĂ€ttet med barnen och att lite fler Ă€n hĂ€lften tycker att de har tillrĂ€ckligt med kunskap för att arbeta med genus. Slutsatser som kunde dras frĂ„n resultaten frĂ„n enkĂ€ten Ă€r att pedagogernas kompetenser i de genusvetenskapliga begreppen Ă€r pĂ„ olika nivĂ„ och att de varierar vĂ€ldigt mycket. DĂ€rför drog jag den slutsatsen att det Ă€r dĂ€rför som det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetet inte anvĂ€nds i arbetet med genus i förskolan. ÄndĂ„ sĂ„ ansĂ„g flertalet av de pedagoger som inte arbetade med det komplicerande och normkritiska arbetet att de Ă€ndĂ„ hade tillrĂ€ckligt med kunskap i genus. Kompetens i ett Ă€mne gör att det Ă€r möjligt att ta ut svĂ€ngarna, att verkligen se hur barnen gör genus i barngruppen och att ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta normer i samhĂ€llet tillsammans med barnen

    Interpretation of the optical and morphological properties of Cirrus clouds from lidar measurements

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    Lidar measurements can provide a great deal of information about the structure, location, and scattering properties of cirrus clouds. However, caution must be used when interpreting raw lidar backscatter profiles in terms of relative or absolute extinction distribution, internal cloud structure, and, at times, cloud location. The problem arises because the signal measured from a range by any monostatic lidar system depends on the backscatter cross section at that range and the 2-way optical thickness to the scattering volume. Simple lidar systems, however, produce only one measurement of attenuated backscatter from each range. The general FIRE research community is given aid in interpretation of lidar measurements, and the special capabilities of the High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) is explained. Some examples are given of conditions under which direct interpretation of cirrus cloud morphology from simple lidar profiles could be misleading

    Optical and morphological properties of Cirrus clouds determined by the high spectral resolution lidar during FIRE

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    Cirrus clouds reflect incoming solar radiation and trap outgoing terrestrial radiation; therefore, accurate estimation of the global energy balance depends upon knowledge of the optical and physical properties of these clouds. Scattering and absorption by cirrus clouds affect measurements made by many satellite-borne and ground based remote sensors. Scattering of ambient light by the cloud, and thermal emissions from the cloud can increase measurement background noise. Multiple scattering processes can adversely affect the divergence of optical beams propagating through these clouds. Determination of the optical thickness and the vertical and horizontal extent of cirrus clouds is necessary to the evaluation of all of these effects. Lidar can be an effective tool for investigating these properties. During the FIRE cirrus IFO in Oct. to Nov. 1986, the High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) was operated from a rooftop site on the campus of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin. Approximately 124 hours of fall season data were acquired under a variety of cloud optical thickness conditions. Since the IFO, the HSRL data set was expanded by more than 63.5 hours of additional data acquired during all seasons. Measurements are presented for the range in optical thickness and backscattering phase function of the cirrus clouds, as well as contour maps of extinction corrected backscatter cross sections indicating cloud morphology. Color enhanced images of range-time indicator (RTI) displays a variety of cirrus clouds with approximately 30 sec time resolution are presented. The importance of extinction correction on the interpretation of cloud height and structure from lidar observations of optically thick cirrus are demonstrated

    Flight telerobot mechanism design: Problems and challenges

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    Problems and challenges of designing flight telerobot mechanisms are discussed. Specific experiences are drawn from the following system developments: (1) the Force Reflecting Hand Controller, (2) the Smart End Effector, (3) the force-torque sensor, and a generic multi-degrees-of-freedom manipulator
